Dj Jay-X presents His live set of Techno live at Yatagan Records, Italy (Dj Set For August 2017). This set of Jay-X was recorded on August 8, 2017. Download mp3.
1) Markus Volker (Virtuality) Piko Music
2) El Men (Rolling) Uranobeat Records
3) ONYVA (Al Dente) Phonetic Recordings
4) Hollen (Rawer) Set About
5) Jay-x (Electro Spin)Yatagan Records
6) Clint Stewart (Breathe) Terminal M
7) Blackbill (05-2)
8) Carlo Riviera (Sentido Comun) 76 Recordings
9) Jay-x (Impact) Chola Records Group
10) Hatzler (Another Life) Stil Vor Talent
11) Patrick Chardronnet & Martin Eyerer (Spank) Kling Klong
12)Dj Lion & Concha (Belchat) Patent Skillz
For Info & Booking: info@jay-x.it – booking@jay-x.it
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